Dear Yesod Yosef Organization
We —— ——– ———– have been receiving from you in recent years
each Shabbos, 100 shekels for Shabbos expenses and also during
holidays. You also assisted us once with a tuition payment for our
son’s school. We wanted to thank you for this from our heart. This
charity really helps us and provides us strength.
We are a family that lives simply. My husband serves Hashem
and works with the printing of the books of Rebbe Nachman of
Breslov, for the merit of the public, on a volunteer basis and we
are not supported by this rather it is all done for the sake of
Heaven and for hastening the Redemption.
Similarly during the last Pesach, we received assistance from
you (after we were unsuccessful in getting registered for the
Pesach Gemach for the residents of Tzfat) and you made our hearts
very joyous when you responded to our plea and gave us a large
donation of 600 shekel that helped us very much to fulfill the
holiday and buy necessities for the night of Seder.
We are a family with six kids, who should remain healthy and a
lot of expenses; rent of home, school tuition, school
transportation, Shabbosim, etc….. great expenses.
This literately gives us strength to continue in our holy
work, serving Hashem of my husband and raising the kids.
Hashem should bless you, we try to pray and mention your names
each and every time. You should merit satisfaction and health,
faith, holiness and all salvations.
A very big thanks,
Family of Eight, Meron