To whom it may concern,
Tzfat is historically known as one of the four spiritual and
holy cities of our Nation.
The Yesod Yosef fund has been helping the poor of Tzfat for
years, specifically families that are not affiliated with any
organized community who have nowhere to turn in time of need. They
run a number of important programs including Shabbos and Holiday
distributions, emergency assistance, interest free loan gemach and
a financial recovery program.
Yesod Yosef is operated by volunteers and all donations are
completely distributed to the poor. I have personally sat with
their director who showed me the details of how they work and
I would like to highly recommend the Yesof Yosef Fund to all
potential donors. It can be assured that the merit of the Holy
Arizal, Rabbi Yosef Karo and all the many other saintly Rabbis who
lived in Tzfat will stand for those who assist the poor families of
our city.
Eliezer Lazar - Deputy Mayor City of Tsfat